"It would not be an exaggeration if I say that ‘Step-up’ is the first home for my son Prathamesh. It is a place where he spends most of the day; where he is taken well care like all mothers do. I was also apprehensive as to how Prathamesh would feel at the day care. Thoughts like would he eat, sleep properly? Raced my mind, but in all honesty Prathamesh has got adjusted to the life at step-up. In fact he enjoys here a lot and Kudos to the different activities like ‘Omkaar, shlokas, yoga’ that are taken up here. I have seen an amazing development in him. He’s become very bold & learnt certain patterns of decorum and has also been well-groomed. What I like most about the day care is the hygiene. Also the maids (Tai) who shower a lot of love on the children.I wish all the best to Mrs. Kanchan Dangre and her team".